Sydney city

The Best Casino Hotels in Sydney of 2019

Do you want to know what the top establishments in Sydney that will satisfy all your gambling needs, while accommodating you in the most luxurious way are? If the answer is yes, keep reading!

All the Gems of Sydney

Sydney is the most populous city in the whole Oceania, as well as a home to the famous opera house visited by millions of tourists each year. And you know that well-known huge arch bridge over the Sydney Harbour which first comes to mind when you think of the city? Well, it is actually the largest steel arch bridge in the entire world!

Though Sydney is the obligatory part of each trip to Australia, mainly for its many tourist attractions and historical landmarks, Sydney is also known for its crazy nightlife out of a Hollywood movie. This image mostly comes from its many casino establishments and resorts that regularly host many pro-casino players from all over the world, as well as passionate table games and pokie players from other parts of the planet.

Though it may seem so far away in the land down under, it is definitely worth the trip. The combination of lavish rooms and restaurants with the most exquisite cuisine can make anyone rethink taking the extra hour to visit this city. And when you add the finest casino experience, what’s not to like?

In this article, we will review the most luxurious Sydney casino hotels, so you don’t have to. And when you find yourself in Australia, you should definitely take the opportunity and check these places out!

Astral Tower and Residences

This casino hotel is a 5-star establishment with no less than 20 restaurants! So even if you are the pickiest of eaters, you will definitely find something you will like here. From the local Australian food to Chinese and Italian, the choice is entirely up to you.

The Astral Tower is also located near the International Convention Centre of Sydney, which is an acclaimed exhibition spot in the city, constructed with the most modern architectural concepts in mind.

So if you ever get tired of enjoying the many casino games this casino hotel has to offer, you can choose to relax at a full-service spa, a nightclub, or rather a lavish outdoor pool. Each room has its own air-conditioning system and a fast Wi-Fi connection, making sure you have everything you need during your stay.

The Darling

Sydney Darling Harbour Waterfront

When it comes to providing their guests with the most luxurious treatment, no one does it better than the Darling. This casino hotel has the most modern-looking setting, with glass walls from the ceiling to the floor, giving you the most spectacular views of the city. Aside from the casino with the most exciting table games and slot machines, this hotel offers you a lot of options for relaxation too. Between the rain showers in each room, a high-tech fitness center, and a perfumed outdoor pool, you will never want to leave!

Sydney Darling Harbour Waterfront

This casino hotel is well-acclaimed among tourists all around the world. It provides a lavish nightlife and casino gambling adventure, but at the same time, it is family-friendly. So whether you want to experience excitement and joy in a casino or a club until the early hours of the day or relax with your kids by the pool, this resort is sure to deliver!

And whichever room or apartment you book, you will have the greatest view of the Sydney skyline. Many loyal hotel visitors over the years have noticed that the hotel is promptly improving and keeping up with the hectic competition on the market. Well done, Darling Harbour!

Coogee Bay Hotel

The Coogey Bay lies on the beachside and provides spectacular views to all of its guests, with clear blue waters under the mesmerizing Australian sky. The rooms are up to the highest standards, making sure your every need is met and fulfilled during your stay.

This place combines the most luxurious but affordable place to stay at with casino gaming rooms, which are so well designed that you will feel like you are in a top Las Vegas casino.

Mercure Sydney

Mercure Sydney

At the Mercure, not only will you experience the best gambling adventure, but you will also be in the center of various city attractions. No matter if you are staying here for business or pleasure, your stay will be as comfortable as ever in one of the 500 rooms spread over 14 floors.

Aside from a lavish casino, this place also has a rich rooftop pool, which you can enjoy in-between the rounds of poker or Blackjack. And if you are an athletic type, you can try working out in the hotel’s fitness center or sweat it out in the sauna, instead.

Metro Aspire Hotel Sydney

The Metro Aspire is located in a quiet part of Sydney, but that doesn’t mean it lacks excitement. The full renovation was completed only a few years ago, so you know it is up to the highest of standards. Here, you can relax in one of 100 luxurious rooms with astonishing views of Sydney and try your luck in one of the finest Star Casinos in the country.

Shangri-La Hotel Sydney

This luxurious establishment is certainly one for the books. Not only is it located between the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge, but it also has an award-winning restaurant for all its guests. What is more, this hotel gives you a mesmerizing view of the city, as well as a chance to be a short walk away from some of the biggest tourist attractions.

Not only that, but the hotel’s bar is famous for its delicious cocktails, which you can enjoy in-between the many casino games that are sure to keep you at the edge of your seat! This hotel also has a lavish outdoor pool, as well as a modern gym and a spa, so you will definitely find something to enjoy during your stay.


As you can see, there are many casino hotel options to choose from when going on a trip to Sydney. Whether you want a quieter stay with a great view of the city, or you’d rather be in the center of the wild nightlife, these hotels cover everything. Sydney is a well-acclaimed tourist attraction, as well as a great stop on your casino adventure, so you simply can’t go wrong with this city.

0 thoughts on “The Best Casino Hotels in Sydney of 2019

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